Friday, September 10, 2010

Pink Saturday ~ Remembering 9/11

Happy Pink Saturday y'all!  It's really hard to think pink today, September 11th.    As with many of you, I can't help but remember the tragedy and lost lives that occurred 9 years ago.  However, I also remember the many, many people who united to aid in any way possible.  We all did our little part to help and to show that we are, and always will be, united as a country - from donating blood, raising our flag, or even joining the military!  Such amazing people and events emerged from this horrific event.

Remember this picture (though I am not sure any American could forget)?

I remember seeing it for the first time and was just in awe!  The impromptu raising of a found flag by these fireman was such a symbol of hope for an entire country that was wounded that day!  Here is the link for Thomas Franklin, the photographer who snapped this random picture that became an instant worldwide sensation - - It recounts the tale of this photo and the history of it thereafter.

So today I am just remembering those who lost their lives, the many heroes that emerged, and the service men and women who fight for our country.  Instead of pink, let's honor the red, white, and blue today!
God Bless the USA!


P.S.  Please remember to visit our sweet hostess, Beverly who sponsers Pink Saturday each week.


Char said...

Hello sweet one. I don't think we will ever forget such a senseless act for nothing. So many lost and gone forever, but not forgotten in our hearts. Happy Pink Saturday my friend, Char

Lisa said...

Lovely post! Thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Wonderful post! I will always remember and give thanks for the many brave souls who gave their lives and saved lives that day. Thank you for your visit and your kind words. Happy Pink Saturday.


LizlovesVintage said...

Hi Jacalyn,
Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, LizlovesVintage

Roz said...

Hi, just found your blog and lovin' it and now following. I agree with you and many others to pause on this day in remembrance of that tragic 9/11 day.

Linda M. said...

We will never forget! That is a wonderful photo of the firemen raising the flag It is forever link to that horrific time.

Happy Pink Saturday too!

Rebecca said...

Well said-and an amazing picture-our local fire department had a huge flag raised on a crane in their parking lot today!

Dena E's Blog said...

Thanks for the note and follow Sweetie.. Your post is lovely even on a day full of mixed memories for soooo many..
May God's blessings be all over you ~~~Hugs Dena

Ann said...

So beautifully said. Ann

Unknown said...

That is one of my favorite memorial pics of raising that flag. Lovely tribute on this day of rememberance.

Sherry from Alabama said...

Such a lovely tribute. Wishing you a peaceful and happy weekend.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Roz said...

Thanks for stopping by today and following me back! I hope that you can link up an inspirational post next Friday on my Fresh Clean and Pure Friday blog hop. I know that you've got tons of thoughts that are inspirational to many of us! Bye for now and thanks again! Roz

Sherrie said...

Amen to the Red White & Blue.

Unknown said...

G'eve Jacalyn ~ May we never forget the evil that lurks in this world, devastating our nation.

Have a beautiful weekend ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Shirl said...

Hello, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your post this week, so many lives were lost, it's so sad.
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

Hello thank you for coming by for HPS ..still going down the list! Lovely post love your new blog banner so romantic..

stefanie said...

its funny how my memory is flaky, but I remeber that whole day, it was so scary!

Chatty Crone said...

Thanks for remembering. sandie

Anonymous said...

Hey J! As always I am running late for Pink Saturday. Pink Saturday was a sad day for us as we had to let go of one of our animals as well as my neighbor's horse, Maggie. Plus remembering 9/11 too. I was glad to see Sunday roll around. Your post is so nice. On a happier note I don't want you to get jealous or anything but (teehee) I am heading back to the beach at the end of the month. Can't wait!! xoxo Lynn

D. Jean Quarles said...

Yes, we will remember. Happy belated pink day. I'm a bit - really late getting around. Hope you had a great day.

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