Good Pink Saturday pinkies! The weather here has been soooooo hot and I love, love, love it! I hope your weather has been amazing too! On the 4th of July this year my husband, daughter, and myself decided we wanted to go to one of our favorite spots - Niagara-on-the-Lake which is in Ontario, Canada about 45 minutes away. It's just the most quaint little town with shops, bars, and great restaurants. Oh yea, it's on the Lake! That would be one of our fine Great Lakes ~ Lake Ontario.
What a beautiful day to spend near the lake! Of course by now, when we go anywhere, my family knows I'm on the look out for pink and they even help me! So as we shopped and ate and enjoyed the day, we looked for pink, ha!

Niagara-on-the-Lake is truly beautiful. The have oodles and oodles of flowers and everything is so well manicured. And, they seem to love pink flowers!
Of course there are tons of shops to browse and plenty of pink goodies.

This pretty pink birdie actually came home with me! I think he needs a name though. Any suggestions?
We stopped at the Hershey Store on our way home because my daughter loves their chocolate milkshakes! I found this awesome vintage style pink tin and fell in love. But, they wanted 10 bucks for this and there wasn't even any kisses inside! *sigh* so this lovely tin did not come home with me!

Pretty pink doors and windows advertising the Shaw Festival. The Shaw Festival is actually four theatres that feature plays though out the summer season. If you ever get this way I would highly recommend you attend a show. Click here to read about it.
These are my wonderful companions ~ my daughter Erin in her pretty dress accented with what else? Pink! And my charming hubby Dave.
After dinner we went down by the lake. The picture above is actually in Youngstown, NY across the lake. This is Fort Niagara which was an active fort since 1726 - as it sits right at the mouth of the Niagara River. It was at one time held by the French, the British, and the US. The British actually held on to it through the Revolutionary war but returned it at the end of the war. To read more history about the Fort click here.

Niagara-on-the-Lake is truly beautiful. The have oodles and oodles of flowers and everything is so well manicured. And, they seem to love pink flowers!
Of course there are tons of shops to browse and plenty of pink goodies.
Oh and one final thought. We had dinner at this historic (and allegedly haunted) English pub The Olde Angel Inn (once again just click the link to read more). The food is amazing and I meant to take a picture of the peach and chicken pie that I had but oops, I ate half of it before I remembered! But my husband made an interesting observation. He wondered if it was some how treasonous for us to be visiting Canada and eating at an English pub on America's Birthday. Hmmm.... there does seem to be something to that but gosh we had so much fun, ha! What do you think?
Hugs and a big Happy Pink Saturday! Please remember to visit Beverly at to view more pinkness!
Happy Pink Saturday Jacalyn Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful post today. I love it.
Look at all the pink you found. Are the hanging baskets not positively gorgeous? Oh I love the two hanging against the yellow. They are so beautiful.
Your daughter is so pretty and I love it that she actually dressed for the pink occasion. Now is that sweet or what? She should be a model she is so pretty.
You actually got to eat at a haunted pub. Sweetie you are braver than me. At the word haunted, I would be out of there so fast, you couldn't even catch me. Call me fraidy cat, yes sireee.
I love this post. Thank you for sharing with me today. Please pop over and let me share mine with you. It will give you a laugh.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
The pictures are great! It looks like y'all had a really good time. I love visiting historic places! I wish I could make my husband enjoy it too!! What a beautiful and perfect Pink Saturday post! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!!
Oh, what a fun time! Loved seeing all of your pics, and your daughter (and her dress) are darling. Cute hubs, too! :-)
I don't think you have a thing to worry about regarding the English pub. We won't tell. LOL! ;-)
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
What a perfect way to spend the day with your family Jacalyn. Erin looks beautiful and of course Dave is so handsome too. You have a wonderful family.
I am happy to see you like the heat. I have watched the news on the east coast about the high temps and the humidity. I don't think most people are enjoying this new wave. Of course, they aren't at the lake either.
You found some gorgeous pinks. I have always loved street hanging baskets. They take me back to the Williamsburg area and times. So pretty. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
What a lovely place to visit. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Seeing your post makes me so sorry my hubby JD & I didn't have to to stop by Niagra...we were in the area last week on our way to a camping trip in New Hampshire Love your cute finds and the picture of your daughter on the rocks is lovely. I'm your newest follower, stop by my blog and follow as well! Licks & Wags, Niki
What a charming and quaint little town!!
That one pink sugar and creamer would be perfect for the Tea Pot that I posted about today!!
Hi :) What a terrific place to visit, and sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
Wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday!
Warmest hugs, Brenda
Oh what a fun time! And great pinks! I too love the Hersey tin but would most likely not paid for it either, unless I was having a crazy day ;) Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
How about Snow-Bird for a name. He looks cool and frosty, very cute. The town looks so quaint, how beautiful.
You did a great job finding so much pink on your outing. That looks like a great place to relax and cool off.
Love Niagara-on-the-Lake, the town is wonderful and you are right the flowers are beautiful. Have a great weekend.
So beautiful post, love the hanging basket full of pretty flowers!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday! You found some amazing pinks. So beautiful.
Happy Pink Saturday!! I love the pic of the tea pot and cups!
G'morn, Jacalyn ~ Ontario is a favorite Canadian city we visit. You shared the beauty beautifully. The florals just pop the way you captured them.
I named my son (middle name) Erin ... beautiful name. Your daughter is adorable.
TY for popping by for a visit, I hope to hear from you often.
Have a lovely summer's day ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon
Great pictures, I know this area well! My dh is from Fort Erie and have driven by these same places many times. Are you a Bills Fan? Have a great week, Nan
I'm loving the little pink birdie. I think you should name it ...get ready for it... Birdie. Have you ever seen the movie "Hope Floats"? Sandra Bullock, the main character, is named Birdie, and that is what inspired me to suggest Birdie. Happy Pink Saturday!
I have only been to two of the Great Lakes---Michigan and Huron. My daughter has been visiting friends in PA this month, and they took her up to Lake Erie. So, between the two of us, we've seen three of the Great Lakes. We've never had the pleasure of seeing lovely Lake Ontario. So your photos are as close as I will probably ever get. Thank you for helping me to "travel" today.
Your daughter is lovely...and I LOVE her dress.
Oh, that rose vase and pitcher are gorgeous. They put me in mind of my Desert Rose china pattern.
Have a lovely day,
Hi Jacalyn!....I know this area well as this is near my home town of Battle Creek, Mi. Boy does this take me back to my childhood! I have a yearning to go home now for a visit, and visit this place again. The pics are beautiful! The water with the sailboats makes my heart skip a beat. I also lived on a lake where I grew up. It was called Fine Lake outside Battle Creek in the country. I spent most of my childhood days sailing, boating, fishing, swimming, and anyhing else to do with water! Water and I are ONE! I'm usually never homesick but that picture makes me ready to jump in the car and head homeward bound! Thanks for the follow on my blog and for entering the giveaway, and the compliments on my creations. :) Good Luck and thanks for taking me back to the happy days of my childhood. We spent many days of my life up at the Great Lakes camping. I forget how great they were! Hugs Debi
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