Friday, July 2, 2010

Pink Saturday in Red, White, and Blue!

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Independence Day AKA 4th of July!!!!! Pink Saturday has gone Red, White, & Blue in honor of our Country's Birthday! Of course we know that July 4th 1776 was the day the United States declared their independence from England. The colonists finally stood up and declared that they would no longer be ruled nor taxed by England! We owe so much to the brave men and women who worked so hard to make this happen. So, a big Happy Birthday America! Truly the home of the brave and the land of the free! So in honor of our country I thought I would give you a sample of the Citizenship Questions that all applicants for naturalization must take. Are you ready? Here we go (and you'll find the answers at the bottom of the page in PINK of course because after all it is PS, he he)!

1. What do the stars on the flag mean?
2. How many stripes are on the flag and what do these stripes represent?
3. What are the 3 branches of our Government?
4. What is the supreme court law of the United States?
5. Who becomes President if the President and VP die?

Here's a bonus question (though I don't have a prize, ha!) and let's see how many can correctly guess, er answer without looking at the answer!

~Can you name the original 13 States?

Click here to view more questions. Do you think you can pass?

1. The fifty white stars on our flag represent the fifty states.
2. 13 and they represent the original colonies or states.
3. Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary Branches.
4. The Constitution
5. The Speaker of the House

Bonus answer: Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Maryland!

Have a great 4th of July! Don't forget to visit Beverly at to see all the pink participants!




Dogmom Diva said...

Hi Jacalyn, you are an early bird tonight!
I love the graphics and I have to admit that those are some tough questions..
Thanks for sharing and have a great 4th. God Bless America.


Anonymous said...

I did well on the first questions. Did not want to press my luck and click for extras. Need to keep some pride intact.
Happy 4th and enjoy a free and blessed weekend.

Sherry from Alabama said...

The Constitution becomes President? I was so confused, but I see the answers were reversed for questions 4 and 5. I've learned something from your post today. Bring on the test! Hope you have a lovely Fourth!

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Unknown said...

Happy Pink Saturday!!! Your blog is pretty interesting!!

Jacalyn @ said...

Okay Sherry, I guess I better fix the answers! Thanks!

A Garden of Threads said...

What a great post for July 4th, but I must admit I had a hard time answering all the questions, living in Canada. Have a wonderful weekend celebrating.

D. Jean Quarles said...

Great idea for a 4th Post. Have a great weekend and wonderful Pink Saturday.

Char said...

Happy Pink Saturday Jacalyn, you certainly have given me something to think about. We should all know the answers shouldn't we. Happy 4th my friend, Char

NanE said...

Hi Jacalyn, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

Maison Mutt said...

Love, love, love your post! I take great pride in our country and while knowing most of the answers I would have to say a few years ago...I wouldn't have. Thank goodness I've been brushing up on information about our great nation (just in time for your quiz).

Anonymous said...

Jacalyn ~

Loved your post!

Hope your enjoying the holiday weekend.

Jenny Lou Who said...

I love the vintage postcard. And the quiz was cute.

Self Sagacity said...

It's cool, those 4th of July colors are truly fitting, don't you think?

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

A wonderful post for July 4th! I'm still making my PS rounds.


Roberta said...

Hello Jacalyn! Happy belated 4th of July and Pink Saturday! Enjoyed your post and looking forward to reading many more that I've added you to my google reader. Have a wonderful week, fondly, Roberta

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