Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's time to "think pink"

I am joining Pink Saturday this week which I haven't done in like forever! 

I will be getting out my pink shorts...

... and my pink flip flops....

...because here in Western New York we are having near record warmth - about 80 for the next few days!  I know for some of you in the Southern states that would be a cool down for you but around these parts that's pretty warm for us!  I am giddy with excitement!  Yay, I get to wear my flip flops a little longer which means I can keep those boots in the back of my closet too!

Oh and since it is "Pink" October here's a friendly reminder:

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  I am guessing you all know that by now, but did you have your mammogram this year?  I sure did over the summer and while it's not my favorite thing to do I am sure glad that I did.  And thankfully, I received a "clean bill of health."  I hope you do too!

Happy Pink Saturday and be sure and visit Beverly to see everyone who is participating this week!


Annesphamily said...

It is cold and rainy here in Colorful Colorado! I am still snuggled into my warm bed and reading and blogging in my wintry jammies! They are red and white with reindeer on them! Guess what is on my mind? Ha Ha! Come visit me soon. Hugs to you and great post! HPS Anne

Mari said...

Love the pink flip flop, a must for us pink loving gals :)
Happy pinky pink Saturday!!!

Mari said...

Hi just wanted to let you know my dear sweet hubby purchased my pink swifter at Walmart, just in case you would want to run and get them before they sell out!! hope that helps :)


Marianne said...

Love the pink flip flops! It was supposed to cooling down here in Arizona, but the forecast calls for more 100s next week. :o(

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

LOL I'm still in my Pink flip flops but am breakin' out the boots for Asheville. Wish you were going too .it would be fun !

Anonymous said...

Jacalyn, glad to see you back at Pink Saturday and a happy one to you (a little late). I read all your recent past post and tickled to see you just went to MB. When are you going to buy that place at the beach and retire there so we can all come visit you? xo

DollHouse said...

My daughter and I ordered a dress from Doll House which was to be custom made. I placed the order on a Monday and was surprised to get a phone call the following Monday to say the dress had arrived it only took eight 8 days. I took the dress home and when I put the dress on my daughter, I realized that had just altered the dress (in store) and found pins still in the side seams. I was so disgusted with their lie when confronted they would not talk to me or acknowledge what they had done. To all you mum’s out there DON’T BUY FROM DOLL HOUSE.

benny said...

Like Pink, It's beautiful!
tea length mother of the bride dresses

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