Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beautiful Blogging and Holiday Stress

Yay, it's the Holiday Season!  I absolutely love the holidays - the lights, the gifts, the music, the food, the hustle and bustle... I love it all.  But, the holiday season also brings about significant stress for many of us.  The lights, the gifts, the music, the food... all contribute to this.  So I have some tips that might prove helpful to all of us this year in keeping stress to a minimum.  Yes, I know, we have probably all heard this before but I think it's helpful to read through them again.

  • Set Priorities - this means that maybe you really can't do it all and you need to decide what is most important to you.  For example, do you need to send 100 Holiday cards out or can you just send a few to those closest to you.  Also, how many batches of cookies do you really need? 
  • Simplify - again, choose what's important and maybe do things on a smaller scale.  Instead of baking yourself, what about getting something from a bakery or participating in a cookie exchange where you only bake 1 or 2 kinds and exchange with several friends and family members.
  • Maintain reasonable expectations about "togetherness" - you don't have to attend every holiday event you're invited to nor do you have to invite everyone to your home.  Keep in mind too that "too much" togetherness can create a lot of stress!  Conversely, if you have little family near you invite friends over for a get together and/or volunteer your time to help others throughout the holiday season.
  • Establishing a schedule can be immensely helpful!  After you decide what is important to you make a schedule to complete tasks and don't forget to delegate!  Don't attempt to complete everything yourself and don't be afraid to delegate!
  • Maintain your own schedule, meaning stick to your exercise routine, eating and sleep habits and schedule down time.  I know there will be some variation of course, but try to maintain your schedule as best you can.  Eating well, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise are key components in managing stress.
  • Nurture yourself - take a hot bubble bath, read a book, hit the gym - whatever you enjoy - just do it on a regular basis!
  • Set a budget and stick to it - decide what you can afford to spend and stick to it!  Don't stress yourself out assuming you need to spend a lot of money on gifts.  I think gifts just need to be thoughtful and relevant to the person, not necessarily expensive.  Consider browsing thrift shops and re purposing an item you know someone would love.  Also, bake some goodies  or create cookies or soup jars to give as gifts.  There's tons of recipes on the Internet for creating cookie jars and you can buy canning jars inexpensively.  Simply place a pretty tag and ribbon on it.  Easy and cheap!
Holidays are supposed to be fun!  I really like to enjoy everything the seasons brings and keep stress to a minimum.  I have decided to spend less money this year and we never use credit cards anymore.  That certainly minimizes any worries about money in the New Year.  I would love to hear your strategies for minimizing stress this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!



Friday, November 26, 2010

Pink Saturday and Black Friday!

Welcome to another addition of Pink Saturday hosted by Miss Beverly!  I sure do hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I like Thanksgiving, but honestly it's Black Friday that I really look forward to.  It's not that I'll stand in line at Walmart or anything because I really do value my life, ha!  I just love the hustle and bustle and the great deals that can be had!

Typically, my shopping partner, AKA my dd Erin, and I go shopping out-of-town at a mall we like.  However, for a variety of reasons, that just couldn't happen this year.  So, we decided to try our luck at the Midnight Madness at our local outlet mall.  We found some pink along the way of course.

The Outlet's were C.R.A.Z.Y.  The traffic was a mess, people were rude, and the lines were long. Kind of what we anticipated but maybe worse, ha, ha!

As you can tell, we started out at Old Navy for some gifts for my son.  The line was endless and we waited for an hour.  Why, I don't know! 

We hit a few other stores where the lines weren't quite so long and pick up some great deals.  But with the crowds and the waiting we didn't get as much done as we would have liked.  Next, we headed over to our local JC Penney for their 4 a.m. opening.

We did very, very well at Penney's and picked up some super deals!

 Here's my reluctant model, Erin, with some pretty pink finds!  That pink coat came home with Miss Erin.  I purchased a pretty light pink one but of course forgot to take a picture!

a random display of pink socks!

 We hit up the lovely Victoria's Secret too for some gifts for my daughters.
This pretty pink tote was free and also is going home with Erin!

Would I stay up at night again?  Probably not.  The Outlet Mall really didn't have any significant deals that you couldn't get later in the day or even throughout the Christmas Season.  Plus, the crowds and traffic were outrageous.  Worse than any other shopping day!  I must say though that the deals we scored at Penney's would not have been available later in the day, so the jury is still out on that.  I guess it depends what we need or want next year.  All in all, I sure did have fun with Erin though!  So tell me, did you shop this Black Friday?

Happy Pink Weekend!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another Meet Me on Monday Post

Hello friends!  I am once again linking up with Java for her Meet Me on Monday party.  Be sure and stop by to see whose participating this week.

Here's this week's questions:

1. How many pillows do you sleep with?

2 pillows.  I always have a hard time when I sleep at hotels because they have to be just right, you know, fluffiness!  Not too fluffy but fluffy enough.

2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?

Home and hubby will be the chef!  I did make the pies though.

3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?

I think I would rather host a party.  I always find that to be fun but also stressful because I am a bit "anal."

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?

How many purses?  Well, not as many as shoes, ha!  I have a lot of purses but I am currently rotating the use of 4 for the Fall/Winter.

5. What is your favorite kind of seafood?

That's easy - none!  I abhor seafood. 

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Some Pretty Pink Paper Roses for Pink Saturday!

Hard to believe that it's Pink Saturday again already!  What's more, can you believe that Thanksgiving is Thursday?  Wow, this year is just flying by.  Be sure and visit our lovely hostess, Beverly, to see all of the Pink Participants this week.

Here's my pink this week and I am very excited about it!
Yep, pink paper roses!  I just love them.  Why am I so excited?  Because I have searched for the last year or more for the best price on these babies and I finally found them.  Yay!  Yipee!  I can't wait to start playing with these to see what I can create.  I think I am going to list some in my shop too.

I didn't only get pink as you can see from the pictures.  I got a few other colors and sizes too.  Some creamy white, some brown (they look tea-stained and oh so vintage!) and I have some for Valentine's Day too.  I know, I know, it's not even Christmas yet, but alas, we must plan a head!

Wishing all of my blogging friends the happiest of  Thanksgiving!  And, if you're like me you'll be out at dawn on Friday for some great sales.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Am Giving Thanks!

I am joining Lynn over at the Vintage Nest today for her "Give Thanks" party.  Be sure to pop on over to see all of the participants!

While there are a number of things we can post about today, I am going to keep it simple, which is something I don't usually do, ha!  In my line of work, I am constantly telling people to look around and focus on what you have rather than what you think you don't have!  So, that's what I am doing today.  Here's what I am thankful for:

3 (triplets) wonderful children who are happy, healthy and bright!  They are all off attending college and living their life.  While I miss them a whole lot, I am glad too that they are spreading their wings!  When I first found out I was having triplets I was stunned!  "What" I thought, "I don't know how to take care of one child, let alone 3!"  But, as most things do, it all worked out.  Actually I wouldn't have it any other way.  I loved, absolutely loved, raising these children!

A husband who supports everything I do, without question!  I am, er, a bit head strong, and he is the most patient and caring man I could have ever met!  He is a great dad too and took on a lot of responsibility so I could finish grad school when the children were just toddlers.  He also supports my little business and I am truly grateful.

I am always truly thankful for our wonderful country and those soldiers who risk their lives to protect her!  Thank you!

Have a wonderful, thankful day!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Suburban Retreat Give-a-Way

My sweet blogging friend Lisa over at Suburban Retreat is having an amazing give-a-way!  She is giving away this stunning necklace below along with some other fabulous items!  You must run right over and enter to win!

Happy Sunday!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Pink Saturday and a very pink bathroom!

Happy Pink Saturday!  Please be sure and stop by and see Beverly, our hostess ever week, to view all of the participants this week!  You remember the post from last week about painting my bathroom pink? 

Well I sure did go a head and paint it and who knew that Carnation Pink would come out sooooooo very pink! Yikes!
It's not that I don't like it.  I really like the color but boy is it darker than I thought it would be.  My bathroom is not very large so, that's just say, it is VERY pink!  The trim is white and I must admit that it looks really pretty against the pink.  Here's a little pink tour.

I didn't want to shock you all by showing you an entire pink bathroom, ha, so I just gave you some snippets!  But, I have a little dilemma that maybe you can help me solve.  I have a curtain that I have had up since the bathroom was a very pale pink and I would like to change it.

I think a plain white one would look better - my shower curtain, the trim, and the cupboards are all white which look very nice against the pink.  But, my husband and daughter think I should leave the present curtain.  I just wonder if it's too much not that my bathroom is so pink.  Opinions? 

Does anyone know how to lighten paint without re-painting the entire room?  I was thinking that maybe there's some magic potion out there that I don't know about, ha, ha!

Oh and would you all be so kind to vote for me in the Shabby Lane Shop Website Holiday Decorating Contest?  If you already voted, thank you, but you can vote again too!  Click on the link below to vote.  My most heartfelt thanks!

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Beautiful Blogging National "Tie One on Day"

Welcome to another post of Beautiful Blogging.  I thought we could do something different this time around.  While doing my usual blog hopping on Pink Saturday I came across a wonderful post by Sharon over at Faith, Hope, & Cherry Tea about "National Tie One on Day" which is the day before Thanksgiving, this year being November 24th.  I so loved the concept that I thought I would re-post it on my blog.
Let me explain exactly what Tie One on Day is. And no, it's not what you think being that it is also the most popular day for partying, ha! It's actually an act of kindness. Here's how Sharon explains it:

"On the day before Thanksgiving,  women across the country will be celebrating the day  by wrapping a loaf of bread in an apron, tucking a prayer or a note of encouragement in the pocket,  and then delivering the bundle to someone in need of physical or spiritual sustenance — or both.  What could be nicer than receiving such a gift? "

A sponsor of the event, apronicity shares the history of this day

Apron-iCity is a proud sponsor of National Tie One On Day. Celebrated on November 24, 2010, Tie One On Day is an opportunity for people throughout the country to put the “give” back in Thanksgiving.

Here EllynAnee Geisel shares about putting the “give” back in Thanksgiving and National Tie One Day:

Four years ago, EllynAnne Geisel was rolling dough for “one more pie” for her Thanksgiving feast, “When I suddenly took stock of the amount of food I’d prepared for the next-day’s holiday meal.” For a dozen guests, Geisel recalls, “there was just too much!” Deciding that her company “absolutely did not need another dessert choice,” she spontaneously wrapped a sweet in a handy piece of cloth…an apron. “Then I wrote Thinking of You on a note card, and still wearing my own apron, walked out the front door.” Within a block, Geisel was presenting the wrapped treat to a very surprised neighbor, “who I’d heard was experiencing a difficult time.”

Turns out, Geisel was in for a surprise herself. “I hadn’t anticipated that acknowledging my neighbor with a baked good would have me feeling positively buoyant.”

It is that win-win for participant and receiver that Geisel is promoting through her National Tie One On Day TM.. Celebrated on November 24, 2010, Tie One On Day is an opportunity for people throughout the country to put the “give” back in Thanksgiving.

According to Geisel, a store-bought item is as easily wrapped as homemade, “and the cloth can be anything from  an apron to a napkin.”

Surely we can all find someone in need a few steps or even blocks away.  And, what a wonderful idea to put the "give" back in Thanksgiving.  Remember that this can be anything you wish!  It can be store bought or homemade, wrapped in an apron, dish towel, or even a napkin.  Don't forget to include a little card of encouragement or perhaps even humorous.

Please let me know if you will be participating and what you will be doing.  I will post my contribution on Thanksgiving Day and I hope you'll come back and do the same.  I can't wait to see what wonderful things people do.

Oh and please go and visit my friend, Sharon over at Faith, Hope, and Cherry Tea.  She has a wonderful blog and you'll be glad you did!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to another post of Meet Me on Monday.  Java asks us to answer 5 questions each week so that we get to know one another better.  Go on over and see who else is playing along with Java this week!

1. What is your favorite kind of pie?

Yum... I love pie, I don't eat it too often for obvious reasons but I think my favorite would have to be Lemon Meringue pie.  Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream is pretty darn good too!  Oh and then there's cherry and blueberry and apple and chocolate cream and banana cream... See I really like pie!

2. Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?

I believe I did when I was a very young adult living on my own and very poor, ha!  Maybe not so poor, just poor at managing money, ha!

3. How many languages do you speak?

Just English.  I took french in high school but I barely remember any of it.

4. Do you take daily vitamins?

No, not really.  I tried fish oil for a while but my goodness I couldn't stand the well, you don't want the details, ha!  I know it's good for you and when they develop a tablet then I will take it.  I tried Niacin for a while too but the side effects are wicked!  Have you ever taken it?  Yikes, a few minutes after taking it, you get a very tingly feeling and your entire body feels hot and sweaty and red!  My doctor advised it as it is supposed to increase your "good" cholesterol since there isn't much else you can do since it's heredity.  But, after experiencing the side effects a couple of times, I guess I'll just let nature take its' course.

5. What is your worst eating habit?

Probably eating a full meal late. I work 10 hour days, 3 days a week and usually after my commute, don't get home until after 9. Of course I am starving and so I eat a meal. Not good, I know!

Have a wonderful week, friends!  Oh, and I would like to put in a shameless request.  I am participating in the Shabby Lane Shops Website Holiday Decorating Contest and I would love your vote!  Here's my site and if you like it would you mind clicking on the banner below and voting for me?  Thanks in advance for your time!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Pink Saturday!

Hello Pink Friends!  I am sorry to say that this week has zoomed by and I don't really have that much pink to share :(   I have been busy fall cleaning and well, nesting for the winter, and last weekend I spent six hours cleaning the bathroom!  How can one tiny room take up so much time?  I really don't know except to say it went something like this.  I will clean the tiles and and then the mini blind (slat by slat, ugh!).  Then I thought well let me paint that cupboard again as the paint is chipping.  Okay, done... oh man now the moulding looks bad and I have to paint that, etc.. etc.. etc...  I think a lot of you know what I mean.  So of course once I cleaned and painted the moulding, guess what?

and this leads me to my pink of the week...

Yep, you all probably guessed it... I need to re-paint the bathroom!  You know how it goes... So, I went to Home Depot and purchased some pretty Carnation Pink Paint!  So while you all are visiting blog land today, I will be painting!  In between though I sure will visit my blog friends!

Oh and one more thing before I go.  Would you mind, pretty please, voting for me at the Shabby Lane Shops Holiday Website Decorating Contest?  Here's my site and if you like it please click the banner below to visit.  Thanks for your consideration!

Don't forget to visit our hostess, Beverly, at http://www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com/.  Talk to you later!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Sunny Fall Afternoon

The other day was such a beautiful sunny Fall afternoon.  The sun was streaming through my windows and it was gorgeous!  I thought I'd take you on a little tour of what I saw.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

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